Update: September 1st, 2017
We went to IPMS Nationals in Omaha!! (Part 2)
This time I will show what went on during the raffle, which has become a sort of tradition at Zoukei-mura booth, until the dismantlement of our booth.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the numerous American modelers who cheered us, Zoukei-mura, who came all the way from Japan, and our SWS kits.

▋So, the infamous IPMS Raffle starts today from 2PM. This time, as recommended by Randy-san from IPMS, we held a luxurious lottery in a separate room.
In the left picture, our breakfast. In the central picture, Randy-san and his wife at Zoukei-mura booth.
In the right picture, Poncini-san, all the way from Switzerland! Still thank you for your article for our SWS P-51D Concept Note.

▋Zoukei-mura Raffle in IPMS Convention finally starts. This time too, loads of marvelous prizes for you. All you modelers who filled in the questionnaire we distributed at the venue, thank you!! Familiar faces, new faces, it's really fun!!
This time, as a present for the people who answered our questionnaires we distributed high-strength pen-lights, that can be used to enlighten the model and admire its details. Our John-san bought these pen-lights for us. Thank you John-san!!

▋Look, look! All the winners seem so happy!! I feel happy too, of course. The picture down on the right has been taken at the end of the raffle which lasted around one hour; everybody saying "“bravooo” to the raffle!! The shout of these not-so-young modelers shook the whole hotel!!

▋After the raffle, I received a nice invitation, shouted out loud, from a modeler: "Let me buy you a beer!" I was so thirsty and that cold, delicious beer was amazing!
Thanks for the friendship, SWS Brothers. Thank you!!
Hey, this time too!!! After the raffle, the modelers who didn't win rushed to Zouke-mura booth.
Fully enjoying shopping and raffle, I really like these American modelers.

▋When this time comes, not only F-4J and S, all the SWS kits and extra parts sell very well. A-1, Ta 152, He 219, and also Do 335 and the 1/48 scale kits too! That's great, thank you so much. Please enjoy SWS kits as much as you can.

▋Oh!! Just before the contest a modeler came to show me his finished SWS A-1 Skyraider!! I'm sincerely moved by such an amazing kit. Hope you'll get a good result at the contest!!

▋And, in the left picture, Morrissette-san, who wrote an excellent review article for our Mustang Concept Note, also came to our booth. Thanks to him, the beauty of that SWS kit has been shown to many modelers. Thank you so much for that.

▋Say what! I got a celebrative T-shirt for the participation anniversary from Randy-san and the IPMS members! Thank you! I'll be glad to wear it. In the central picture, Poncini-san with the 1/48 Horten he kindly bought. In the right picture, two SWS fans, husband and wife, together in Omaha. Thank you for purchasing our 1/32 Ho 229. This man also gave me a brilliant idea for a kit.

▋Plenty of sunning models at the IPMS National Contest's Favorite: the modeling contest! I also took a lot of pictures, so I'll show you the most impressive stuff that I saw.
Ooooh there we go!!
In the middle of this huge contest area, some kits are spreading a blinding light! Skyraider, looking like it's about to fly, the grand He 219 Uhu, and also an SWS F-4J, an array of masterpieces, absolutely brilliant!
Furthermore, every kit shows outstanding ability and plenty of time invested by the modeler. Kobayashi-san was also stunned by looking at the beauty of the models displayed in the contest area: "The ability of the American modelers is just astonishing!"

▋Ops, that picture on the left!? Isn't this Pocher's Alfa Romeo the kit of Earl-san from Florida? To be honest, it's the first time I see the finished kit of this model: a fine legend, made in big scale. Awww isn't that a masterpiece?
Central picture: I was able to greet one of the IPMS USA founders.
Zoukei-mura will do its best to make sure this awesome event will continue for good!
And, in the right picture, Michael-san, the last one to shop at Zoukei-mura booth this time. Thank you very much for being here until the last minute!!

▋This pleasant IPMS Convention in Omaha has come to an end. The last part, booth dismantle has started. Thanks to you guys, we sold almost all the stuff we brought, and we have just a few boxes to return.
A part will be sent to VOLKS USA and the rest will go back to VOLKS Japan where we'll start the preparation for Telford.
As you see, this venue that was flooded by so many people in these days is now so quiet.
Tomorrow this hotel will be already back to its normal routine.
Dear modelers who attended the convention, and dear IPMS Members who set up such an amazing place preparing this wonderful event, thank you very much.
All you guys who came, keep the memories of this event in your heart and take care of yourselves until you go back to your hobby room.
We will keep improving our SWS kits more and more, looking forward to next year, when IPMS Nationals will be held in Phoenix.
See you!
SWS American brothers, all of you who appeared in this entry, thank you so much for your cooperation.
We've been very happy to meet so many of you at the venue.
There will be many more surprises for you from now on!!

▋The job is done, and Zoukei-mura members were waiting for this dinner!!!
At the beginning and at the end, we ate this massive hamburger typical of Omaha, Nebraska!!
See this hamburger, looking so delicious!!
I lost my voice for a moment as I would never see such a monster in Japan, I could feel the real power of America.
But more than massive, it was delicious!! This is how a hamburger should taste like, otherwise it should be illegal. Free refill for soda and juices! The staff was also incredibly efficient. A cola spilled on the floor by a customer was immediately cleaned up by a cute girl from the staff.
Hey hey hey, on the right, the proof of our satisfaction.
Zoukei-mura members look very satisfied, inside and outside, smiling and smiling. Just like we're about to go once again to the convention in Omaha!! Awww no, I guess that's not possible at all

▋Meeting implies parting. We said goodbye to John-san here at Omaha Airport. There's a long trip ahead of him until Las Vega in Nevada, where he lives, via Denver. We also have a long way ahead, from Omaha via San Francisco to Kansai Airport, a 15hours long trip.
On the right, Zoukei-mura members finally landed at Kansai Airport after a long, long flight. All the pictures taken at this event, the questionnaires we collected, and obviously the opinions and the impressions we received directly from you will be used to make more and more awesome SWS kits.
Dear people who came to Zoukei-mura booth in Omaha, and all you guys around the world reading this blog, thank you very much!!
Next time I'll finally show you what our research on the F-4E at the museum was like.
Until then, take care of yourselves, don't catch any late summer cold. See you~
Hideyuki Shigeta
President, Zoukei-Mura
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