SWS Horten finally spreads its wing and flies in to the big sky!
SWS Horten, developed putting the best effort and eventually released by Zoukei-Mura is finally yours!
How is it?
This kit represents what was the last card German Air Force was supposed to play.
According to the development concept the SWS has followed so far: from the structure to the mechanism, from the cockpit details to the engine, to every part of the landing gear, more detailed than this is probably impossible! We reproduced a unique kit containing all the charm of the overwhelming Horten, without leaving anything undone!
This kit reaches the extreme limits of a 1/32 scale model and you will not be able to admire it without shaking your modeler' soul.
Complete devotion is necessary for this work!
But SWS Horten will eventually become YOUR Horten.
"Finally I really saw it!"
This voice will be heard from the aircraft modelers of the world.
I wish that you, still looking at it, made it part of your collection; this is the revolution of scale models, SWS Horten kit!!
Ops, sorry!!
Probably the "mysterious wing" is already complete、staying cool on your table.
SWS Horten Kit, revealed from its development until its production. Moreover, interesting reviews from famous modelers; Zoukei-mura, with its proverbial carefulness, comments its Horten kit on the base a full dissection.
■Zoukei-mura Concept Note SWS No.VII Ho 229
Price: 2500 JPY (+fee)
Available from October 25, 2014
Click here to order via Volks Japan website → [ VOLKS Website Store ]
When you talk about an SWS kit, you should never forget the "SWS Concept Note" opportunely edited and released along the release of the SWS Series.
I think you already have one or 2 books among your precious documents; oh no, I guess there is also somebody who got all the Concept Notes, from Shinden, going through ta 152, Mustang, Skyraider, Uhu and Raiden.
My deepest gratitude to all the SWS Concept Note collectors in the world.
Thank you very much!!
Keep collecting our SWS kits and Concept Notes!!
This time too, for this Horten Concept Note we have made an abundant use of pictures and data of the actual machine, collected at the Smithsonian Museum, where we received full cooperation.
The thorough commentary starts from the development of the real machine.
The production review is signed by Zoukei-mura's member, Master Naoki Kobayashi, Radu-san from Ireland, Thomas-san from Germany, talented modelers who gave a detailed, fine and challenging review.
How about it??
3 people, 3 airplanes, 3 incredibly expert modelers have splendidly brought to life 3 awesome models.
These 3 experts have made the real beauty of the SWS kit come out, thanks to their skills and expressive power.
Zoukei-mura has spared no pain building this new Horten kit; this marvelous "mysterious wing", the Horten will be shown too you the best way possible, from complex, "dizzying" pipe-frame, to the oulsing heart of the Horten, the two Jumo engines.
Building the kit has been anyway simple, more than you could expect.
You will notice that too, so please don't be too much concerned.
I say this out of kindness, I have been able to assemble it in no time.
"But I would like to check the SWS Horten kit on the Concept Note first"
These people are more than welcome too.
Patiently, without hurry, slowly from East to West, you will see the true nature of Japanese Zoukei-mura, the new model-maker that produced the Horten.
Then, take yours too, no ceremony.
I'll be more than happy if you enjoy my same dream.
Look! Horten brought to life by Master Naoki Kobayashi!
He's the only SWS Master responsible for the complete kits, from SWS Shinden to the Horten. A legendary expert of the SWS kits. For this Horten too, from the test shot until the released version, he has already taken care of 6 kits.
Just like us who deal with kits development, he is one of fathers of our SWS kits.
Furthermore, the complete Horten made by Kobayashi–san is now exposed in Tokyo Akihabara, at the 8th floor of Radio Kaikan - Volks Hobby Square Akihabara, scale models corner showcase. If you pass by, absolutely take a look at it. It's really worth it.
In addition, we'll bring the Horten to the IPMS Telford (November 8th and 9th) and exhibit at Zoukei-mura's booth.
If you'll be there, don't miss it!!
* Whether it's green camouflage, or clear external parts, there's the touch of Kobayashi-san in both the complete versions. Such an extraordinary build will just leave you speechless.
Mr. Radu Brinzan from Ireland has also joined the troop!
As you can see, delicate and undaunted, the fantastic work by Radu-san reproduces the charm of Horten in every single aspect. We met Radu-san just at the IPMS Telford in England; since then, he's become our cooperator and gave so many ideas and support.
"I definitely want to write myself the Horten's review!"
I applaud this strong passion I can see from this fantastic Horten you built!!
Radu-san. He also came to Japan with his wife last year, grasping the whole beauty of this country. The complete kit you can see in these pictures will also be exposed at IPMS Telford (November 8th and 9th) at Radu-san's booth. Expect a breath-taking, awesome kit! You may also try to ask him about this build, his work and his art and other hard luck stories.
And then, from the Motherland of the Horten, Germany, Mr. Thomas Mayer!
A complete, fully commented, impressive Horten where you can see all his passion and his high-skills, and the "German feeling".
Look at this gray camouflage, isn't it something ingenious?
We actually met Thomas-san and his wife, Mrs. Heidi, at IPMS Telford; from then on, he has helped us so much for the development of German Planes. All the writings on the fuselage of the actual machines, meaning and pronunciation of hard-to-get German words and much more; the precious assistance given by Thomas-san has been also used in the production of the decals of SWS based on German Aircraft.
The finished kit by Thomas-san may be admired at several hobby-shows across Germany.
If you're living in Germany, try to search which event he is attending and praise his Horten.
He'll be happy to answer your questions. It'll be fun!
November 8th and 9th !
This year too, Zoukei-mura will be at the IPMS Telford!!
*Last year, Telford's Event.
"IPMS Telford" The modeler's fair.
Aircraft modelers from every corner of earth , the so-long awaited SWS 1/32 Horten will be available at the event! This is NEWS!
No need to say that the main attraction of this year at Zoukei-mura's booth will be this Horten and its featured release. You can really buy the plastic kit, this SWS Horten, orthodoxly and precisely realized, that will let you know the real nature of its maker, Zoukei-mura.
This is already a case!
You can also bluff your wife, she will never suspect it brother!
There's anyway just a limited quantity that we could bring here.
Zouke-mura couldn't help this, please forgive us.
The box is huge anyway!
And you, my friend, been looking for the Horten since its birth,
inadvertently falling in love with it.
You, you!! From now on the Horten will be next to you, no matter what!
Nothing wrong with it! First in the morning! Just as soon as the gate opens, then victory and defeat can be decided!
This is where a man must win!
Ah! At this age!
I'm 67 now and is it was the Horten, I'd be running away even though I7d be riding on a tank!
Please come early...no, please just hurry as much as you can to Zoukei-mura's booth!
As always
"What? Plastic models are mass-produced, we can buy it anytime, take it easy!!"
People saying that and wandering around in the fair. Passed the opening day, the come the evening of the next day and say:
"Hey do you have it? What ? Already sold out??"
Well I'm kinda getting used to these unlucky people I see everytime!
Since we wouldn't like to hear those words again, this time we have prepared everything without accepting advanced reservations.
Cheers to you who can happily spend next Christmas with the 1/32 Horten! Fabulous!
Keep it up please!!
See you next time on The Old Man Blog again!
Take care'til then!
Hideyuki Shigeta
President, Zoukei-Mura
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Archives: The Old Man Blog
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- The Old Man Blog No.110SWS F-4EJ Kai "Phantom Forever 2020" is SOLD OUT via Pre-Order!!! Thank you for all of your pre-orders!!
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- The Old Man Blog No.104We’re back from IPMS Nationals in Chattanooga!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.103A Big Hello to All of My SWS Brothers!!
- The Old Man Blog No.102Welcome to the Zoukei-Mura Booth at IPMS Telford! Thank you for purchasing the 1/32 Toryu!!
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- The Old Man Blog No.098SWS Brothers from UK & Europe!! Thank you very much!!
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- The Old Man Blog No.092 Happy New Year 2017!
- The Old Man Blog No.091 Greetings for the end of 2016
- The Old Man Blog No.090 Thanks for the instant sell-out!
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- The Old Man Blog No.085 The Giant of the Jet-fighters F-4: the Answer from Zoukei-mura - Part 1
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- The Old Man Blog No.082 SWS Do 335 Thank you for all the reservations we received from all over the world!!
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- The Old Man Blog No.068 Come, SWS brothers!
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- The Old Man Blog No.066 One of the plastic model kits' tastes (the current taste)
- The Old Man Blog No.065 Spring time! Hobby season has come!!
- The Old Man Blog No.064 Thank you for the pictures of your finished SWS kits!
- The Old Man Blog No.063 Presentation of the finished SWS Horten kit!! 2nd Part!!
- The Old Man Blog No.062 Presentation of the finished SWS Horten kit!!
- The Old Man Blog No.061 The indispensable tools of the Old Man!
- The Old Man Blog No.060 Urgent Notice for all of you who purchased our SWS 1/32 Horten kit!
- The Old Man Blog No.059 IPMS Telford 2014 Event Report: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.058 SWS Horten finally spreads its wing and flies in to the big sky!
- The Old Man Blog No.057 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 4
- The Old Man Blog No.056 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 3
- The Old Man Blog No.055 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 2
- The Old Man Blog No.054 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.053 Zoukei-Mura finally headed to IPMS Virginia!
- The Old Man Blog No.052 Development status for SWS HORTEN Kit Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.051 Development status for SWS HORTEN Kit Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.050 Want to see more of HORTEN!!
- The Old Man Blog No.049 The first test shot of SWS Ho 229 is finally getting here!!
- The Old Man Blog No.048 Welcome to JOINT FESTIVAL of our company that will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Volks Inc!!
- The Old Man Blog No.047 IPMS Telford 2013 Event Report
- The Old Man Blog No.046 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 3
- The Old Man Blog No.045 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 2
- The Old Man Blog No.044 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 1
- The Old Man Blog No.043 The so long-awaited Japanese aircraft episode is starting
- The Old Man Blog No.042 Finally, the long-awaited SWS kit, "He 219 Uhu," has started shipping, in order by reservation!
- The Old Man Blog No.041 The final production prototype for SWS No. 6 Uhu is done
- The Old Man Blog No.040 Cockpit Assembly
- The Old Man Blog No.039 We went this year, as well!! The Nurnberg Toy Fair in Germany!!
- The Old Man Blog No.038 For all of our SWS fans and Uhu fans, I have an apology and an announcement!
- The Old Man Blog No.037 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part3
- The Old Man Blog No.036 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.035 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.034 The Opening Day of IPMS Telford is Finally Getting Closer!!
- The Old Man Blog No.033 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Final Part
- The Old Man Blog No.032 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.031 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.030 Delivering Your Hopes along with My Dreams
- The Old Man Blog No.029 Finally, the SWS Mustang will Take Flight!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.028 The Pre-Order Deadline for the P-51D Mustang is Coming Soon!
- The Old Man Blog No.027 SWS Mustang! Long-Awaited Pre-Order Period Finally Started!!
- The Old Man Blog No.026 Delivering the SWS Mustang to All of You Around the World!!
- The Old Man Blog No.025 I Want to Make the Most Beautiful Mustang through the SWS!!
- The Old Man Blog No.024 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #4
- The Old Man Blog No.023 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #3
- The Old Man Blog No.022 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #2
- The Old Man Blog No.021 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #1
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- The Old Man Blog No.019 Thank You for Waiting!! Your SKYRAIDER is Finally Coming Home!!
- The Old Man Blog No.018 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 3
- The Old Man Blog No.017 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 2
- The Old Man Blog No.016 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 1
- The Old Man Blog No.015 Package design has reached its final stage!!
- The Old Man Blog No.014 The 'R3350 Engine' and the 'Cockpit' are complete!!
- The Old Man Blog No.013 Japan and the Japanese will recover, once again!!
- The Old Man Blog No.012 SKYRAIDER Test Model 1 Debut, Part 2!!
- The Old Man Blog No.011 The SWS SKYRAIDER will fly over the sky of Nurnberg!
- The Old Man Blog No.010 Is Your Ta 152 Being Brought Up Happily!!??
- The Old Man Blog No.009 The time that Ta 152 fans worldwide have been waiting and waiting for has finally arrived.
- The Old Man Blog No.008 Finally, it's just before the release of the Ta 152!! At last it goes to you!!
- The Old Man Blog No.007 Scale Model Reproduction Must Start with Your Gut Feeling! Is What I've Really Come to Believe.
- The Old Man Blog No.006 Ta 152 Means Wings!!
- The Old Man Blog No.005 Forgive Me, Brothers-in-Arms! At This Point, Just Let Me Announce It~!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.004 Also,The Engine Known As Jumo 213E Is Amazing!!
- The Old Man Blog No.003 This Ta 152 H-1 is Amazing!!
- The Old Man Blog No.002 Using plastic, that magicalmaterial,I want to create a real airplane!
- The Old Man Blog No.001 Passion for the Product Launch Process